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Distillery Village of Stanz

In Stanz bei Landeck, one of the highest-located fruit-growing areas in Europe, there are 53 stillhouses that are still in use

Considering that the village has got 580 inhabitants only, it is even more impressive that the municipality boasts 53 stillhouses. In 2005, Stanz has been declared the first Distillery Village of Austria. From generation to generation the knowledge about distilling has been passed on. Currently, the association "Brennereidorf Stanz" counts 38 members and 12 distilleries.

The highland above Landeck is one of the highest-located fruit-growing areas in Europe. This is where the famous plums of Stanz grow, known as "Stanzer Zwetschke", that made this area become a designated "Austrian Culinary Region". In a guided tour in one of the distilleries you can take a closer look at the work of a schnaps distiller and taste some of the noble beverages. The aroma and the sugar content of the plums is by the way known beyond borders.

The distillates have been awarded with several prizes in the frame of the "Tiroler Landesverkostung", "Destillata", "Goldenes Stamperl Wieselburg", and "world spirits award“. This is celebrated every year in September with the traditional "Stanz brennt" festival.

Contact info

Opening times

depending on the distillery


depending on the distillery

More information

Guided tour "Genussroute Stanzer Zwetschke" for groups on request by calling +43 676 5350053.

12 distilleries can be visited: Zangerle Erwin, Auer Markus, Gruber Franz, Nothdurfter Stefan, Lechleitner Franz Josef, Reheis Andreas, Kössler Christoph, Mader Max, Kössler Alfred, Senn Paul, Schimpfößl Josef, Wörz Stefan. The "Stanz brennt" festival will not take place in 2024.

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