Radweg Achensee Buchau
Radweg Achensee Buchau

Bike tour around Lake Achensee

This comfortable cycle tour leads us from Achenkirch at the northern end of the Achensee lake almost around the entire lake

On a sunny autumnal day we decide to do a bike tour around Lake Achensee. We rent a trailer for our two kids and start in Achenkirch we cycle towards the lake. On the left, at the shipping pier Scholastika, the cycle route starts. Always near the lake we pass the yacht club and the lighthouse. All in all the cycle path is quite flat and therefore pleasant to drive. Finally we see Pertisau across the lake, our final destination, because from Pertisau until Achenkirch no road exists.

Our tour leads us further to Maurach, we leave the forest. At the lido of Buchau we enjoy our picnic. Also a playground and a snack-bar are located here. After our break we reach the southern end of the lake within few minutes (pure cycling time until here 1 hour). We pass the shipping pier Seespitz and carry on until Pertisau. At the end of the village the road ends and we turn round. Our way back takes us 1,5 hours, we arrive again in Achenkirch with gorgeous impressions.

Author: MS

difficulty: easy
  • Starting point:
  • Time required:
    02:30 h
  • Track length:
    30,9 km
  • Altitude:
    from 916 m to 940 m
  • Altitude difference:
    +24 m | -24 m
  • Route:
    Achenkirch - Scholastika - Maurach - Seespitz - Pertisau (always along the waterfront)
  • Destination:
  • Recommended time of year:
    Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  • Download GPX track:
    Bike tour around Lake Achensee

If you want to do this tour, we suggest you to check the weather and trail conditions in advance and on site before setting out.

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Suggested accommodations

  1. Loisi’s Boutiquehotel
    Loisi’s Boutiquehotel

    Loisi’s Boutiquehotel

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