laeng skitour wassertalkogel
laeng skitour wassertalkogel

Ski tours

You love skiing off-piste, far away from hustle and bustle of huge skiing areas, powder snow, and the feeling of freedom and peace?

If so, Tyrol is the right place for you! It offers perfect conditions for ski mountaineering, from easy routes to challenging high alpine tours, demanding every grain of power. Touring is typically done off-piste, and the skis are usually shorter, wider and softer than normal skis, in order to facilitate the descent through powder snow and the turns in the wet snow. Before making a tour off-piste it is necessary to obtain up-to-date information on snow situation, and to assess avalanche risks.

Moreover you should never ever got off-piste alone, and you should give notice to somebody about where you intend to go. And if you would like to make a tour with a guide, just contact one of the alpine guides in Tyrol. Popular destinations in Tyrol are - besides the below mentioned Vennspitze peak - also Mt. Wassertalkogel, a 3,252 high peak in the Oetztal Alps (in the picture), Mt. Olperer (3,476 m a.s.l.) in the Zillertal Alps, or the Obernberger Tribulaun in the Stubai Alps.

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  1. st jodok Valsertal Vennspitze

    To Mt. Vennspitze

    This ski tour leads us from Padaun in the Valsertal valley to a popular peak in the…

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