obernberger see bruecke winter schnee
obernberger see bruecke winter schnee

Snow and avalanche bulletin

Safety on the slopes is one of the priorities for careless winter holidays in the Alps

Just take a look at the information of the transnational Euregio avalanche report for Tyrol, South Tyrol and the Trentino when you plan your next snow shoe or ski tour, so that your tour will be fun, fun, fun!

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Suggested accommodations

  1. Vergeiner’s Hotel Traube
    Vergeiner’s Hotel Traube

    Vergeiner’s Hotel Traube

  2. Natur- & Alpinhotel Post
    Natur- & Alpinhotel Post - Free Perspective Media – Johannes Brunner

    Natur- & Alpinhotel Post

Tips and more infos