Fruehlingsbilder Ried
Fruehlingsbilder Ried

Sigmundsried Castle

Sigmundsried Castle in the Oberinntal valley is one of the most impressive village castles of North Tyrol

Next to the town hall of Ried there's the former local court Sigmundsried Castle. It was built in the 14th century as a three-storey tower house, and later completed with an accommodation wing. The building was first mentioned as "Turm ze Ryed" (Tower near Ried). From here the trade route across the Resia Pass, the former Via Claudia Augusta, could have been controlled.

In 1471 Sigismund, Archduke of Austria, bought the castle, rebuilt it into a hunting château and named it "Sigmundsried". From 1841 until 1977, it was place of the county court, and since 1999, Sigmundsried Castle (Schloss Sigmundsried) is in possession of the municipality: Along a tour on the Via Claudia Augusta Cycle Route you pass this sight.

Nowadays, the cultural association SigmundsRied offers guided tours through the castle: You can enjoy the new permanent exhibition "The Evil Road" and an authentic equipped prison cell. In former times, Sigmundsried Castle served as a prison, the underground room was also called "Angstloch" (Lat. Angustus = "narrow"), that's to say narrow hole. It is said that is served as an underground entrance to the Schwaiglhaus building. Recently, some new display cases with old findings have been added. Moreover, the place is a popular venue for concerts and cultural events.

Contact info

Opening times

  • Sat 27 Jul closed
  • Sun 28 Jul closed
  • Mon 29 Jul closed
  • Tue 30 Jul closed
  • Wed 31 Jul closed
  • Thu 01 Aug closed
  • Fri 02 Aug 10:00 - 11:00

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Full timetables
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Guided tours - summer 2024 (14/06/2024 - 06/09/2024)

  • Mon closed
  • Tue closed
  • Wed closed
  • Thu closed
  • Fri 10:00 - 11:00
  • Sat closed
  • Sun closed

Feast of the Assumption 2024 (15/08/2024) closed

Guided tours - autumn 2024 (13/09/2024 - 11/10/2024)

  • Mon closed
  • Tue closed
  • Wed closed
  • Thu closed
  • Fri 10:00 - 11:00
  • Sat closed
  • Sun closed


€ 5.00 adults
€ 5.00 young people (14-18 years)

free for children under 14 years
free with the Summercard

More information

Sigmundsried Castle stays open every year from mid-June to mid-October and is accessible only during a guided tour: Guided tours are offered every Friday at 10 am, meeting point beneath the castle in front of the community office of Ried im Oberinntal. Season start 2024 on June 14.

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