Weekly weather forecast
morning | afternoon | evening |
Mainly cloudy
Wind (km/h): -
Humidity: 92%
Snow limit: N/A
morning | afternoon | evening |
Sunny or partly cloudy
Wind (km/h): -
Humidity: 93%
Snow limit: N/A
Due to the natural beauty of the landscape,…
The market town of Matrei am Brenner…
Mühlbachl was the junction of two main trade…
Once upon a time, in the village the Matrei…
In the surroundings of Gries am Brenner…
Part of Vals in Nordtirol, extending…
In Navis, only a stone’s throw from the…
From the mountain climber village of Schmirn,…
The Lake Trail round Lake Obernberg…
The living mill village in the Gschnitztal, a…
A ride with the Summer Coaster Mieders, which…
Fulpmes, stilll today the centre for iron…
Every year, Telfes im Stubai, the most…
Particularly striking is the…
Neustift im Stubaital, with the…