

From December 4 to 6, Matrei in East Tyrol is dominated by eerie companions walking through the alleys of the market town

Not for the faint-hearted is a custom taking place in Matrei in East Tyrol, every year from December 4 to 6. Particularly scary is the period of time after nightfall... as eerie shapes dominate the market town. And you better not get in their way, as in this case something weired might happen to you! For this reason we rather recommend you to watch this event from a balcony or a window. To those who would nevertheless like to experience the event at first hand we recomend to wear old clothes and bring to safety their camera and precious items.

The so called "Kleibeife", so to speak people who participate in this traditional event, wear sheepskin as well as a leather belt round their waist, to which bells are fixed. Particularly scaring are the masks with cornets. The origins of this tradition are partly unknown. However, this custom is one of the highlights of the traditional event calendar in Tyrol.

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