Hochseilgarten Verwall Arlberg
Hochseilgarten Verwall Arlberg

Verwalltal high rope course

The high rope course in the Verwalltal valley with its 22 stations is located on the banks of the Rosanna river

The Verwalltal valley near St. Anton am Arlberg is well-known among nature and adventure sports lovers alike. It is a true biking Eldorado and nature paradise, with beautiful destinations such as Lake Verwall, the Trail of Legends, and the barbecue areas on the banks of the Rosanna river.

And right on the banks of this 42 km long river there's also a high-rope and low-rope course. The Verwall bus service stops nearby, if you would like to use the public means of transport. Children up to 8 years can make their first climbing attempts in the low-rope course, in a height of 2 metres. Bigger kids as well as adults, however, climb in heights between 6 and 12 metres, overcoming the 16 stations and tests of courage of the Verwalltal high rope course (Hochseilgarten Verwalltal).

The experienced guides of the H2O outdoor company conduct a safety brief with you, and then it's time to start. Balancing on tree trunks, overcoming rope ladders and gliding through the air like an eagle with the help of one of the 5 Flying Foxes - everything is possible. In the village centre of St. Anton am Arlberg there's another highlight for climbers, the arl.rock sports centre.

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Opening times

The Verwalltal high rope course will stay closed in summer 2024 due to storm damage last year.

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